Packing a bag makes it all feel so real, right? And if you're here, peeking at this, then I'm going to guess you're nearly there friend, and I am PUMPED for you!
After having multiple tiny babes of my own and seeing so many fams bring in too much stuff (and sometimes, not enough), I've got a pretty good idea of what you need and what you don't!
I've got it all on this list for you, including considerations for partner, baby, and cesarean!
MY vision
A safe space for you to learn about conception, pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum + mamahood.
Confidence begins with the freedom
to ask questions.
You know what I mean? That person who doesn't care if you ask them the weird questions. The one who expects you to send them pictures of diapers + cracked nipples. That friend who knows you are the best mama for that child - and they will do anything they can to remind you of that.
The education never stops over here. Stay in stories - that's where the really good stuff is.