I've been there 4 times; I get it! We do so much to prepare and we can sometimes still feel like:

"Did I get it all?" 
"What am I missing?" 
"Is there anything else I can cross off?"

Honestly, you don't need to do all of the things. I bet you are so much more ready than you think. But if you want to peek at my 3rd Trimester checklist and see if there's anything else, I'd love to send it to you!

it's the final

you're so close!

Grab your checklist right here.

Grab your checklist right here.

MY vision

Accessibility for all to
evidence-based pregnancy, birth + postpartum education.


A safe space for you to learn about conception, pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum + mamahood.
Confidence begins with the freedom
to ask questions.

choose a course

education of a 


of a mama, 

mama of 3, birth & postpartum RN, 
story writer, mashed potato lover

You know what I mean? That person who doesn't care if you ask them the weird questions. The one who expects you to send them pictures of diapers + cracked nipples. That friend who knows you are the best mama for that child - and they will do anything they can to remind you of that. 




The education never stops over here. Stay in stories - that's where the really good stuff is.
